Smartphone access control systems for any business

Unlock your door with your phone

Never pay for a new or lost key or key card ever again. Access the building remotely for deliveries and guests.

Instantly grant and revoke access from anywhere

Rekeying is a thing of the past. Managing access in real-time through a few taps in the app. Set timeframes for when keys can be used.

Get notified when staff comes in

Know exactly when anyone arrives after hours, and see a full audit log of who enters the space and when.

Set up business hours to keep door unlocked when open

Secure the building by having Nexkey automatically lock your doors when you're closed. Welcome your staff and customers in the minute you open.

Nexkey mobile access control phone

Hear what others have to say about using Nexkey’s keyless entry system

Nexkey’s access control system crucial to manage access from anywhere

Nexkey’s Access Control is crucial for Basis Set Ventures to manage their business from anywhere

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Nexkey saved this security business time, money, and many headaches by eliminating physical keys

Nexkey saved this security business time, money, and many headaches by eliminating physical keys

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SK Telecom’s Silicon Valley Office adopts Nexkey as its key card system stopped meeting needs

SK Telecom’s Silicon Valley Office adopts Nexkey as its key card system stopped meeting its evolving needs

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“To carry around a bunch of different keys for all the offices is an unnecessary headache. I want a unified experience. If we move, we can take the system with us; that’s what I love about Nexkey. It’s an easy move.”

David To, IT Facilities Manager at SK Telecom Americas


“Nexkey makes access control straightforward and efficient. Nexkey provides a seamless and user-friendly experience to manage access control. I feel like Nexkey is the future of commercial access control."

— Andrew Kim, the Operations Manager at Basis Set Ventures


“I was looking for a locking system, and while there are plenty of good systems out there, there wasn't anything as great as Nexkey."

— Michael McGraw, Owner of Great American Security Academy

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Types of access control systems

7 common misconceptions we hear with mobile access control

7 common misconceptions we hear with mobile access control

The value of subscriptions for mobile access control systems

The value of a subscription service in access control