Shivani Kavuluru Shivani Kavuluru

How Nexkey helps support The Parlor’s mission of combining intelligence with luxury

The Parlor in NYC doesn’t settle. From the tech in the building to the professionals it attracts, they have an eye for creating a world-class luxury environment. Pam Wolf, Founder of The Parlor, knew the same mantra would have to be implemented when searching for access control. It needed to match the elevated experience the Parlor strives to provide. Only the best would do.

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Dave Braun Dave Braun

6 ideas to welcome new members to your coworking space

Joining a new community is nerve-racking. Just think of the first day of high school - you don’t have any friends yet, not sure where you fit in, and you wander around trying to figure out where everything is. Your first day or week at a shared workspace is not so far off, just swap out that research report for a pitch deck.

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